our origin
I derived from the golden number which is an irrational algebraic real constant identified by the Greek letter (Phi).
The letter is in honor of the sculptor Phideas, who would have used it to design the Parthenon, with the value rounded to three decimal places 1,618.
Along with the golden ratio concept
(represented by the Greek letter Phi) the contemporary concept of Sustainable Business (ns) was included.
Thus was born Phins*!
Rodrigo Sega
A purpose to make human initiatives more prosperous, creative and sustainable through Project Management!
Our Sustainable North
Proteção aos direitos humanos;
Não participação em violações desses direitos;
Apoio à liberdade de associação e à negociação coletiva;
Eliminação do trabalho escravo;
Abolição efetiva do trabalho infantil;
Fim da discriminação no emprego;
Abordagem preventiva quanto aos desafios ambientais;
Promoção da responsabilidade ambiental;
Incentivo à difusão de tecnologias sustentáveis;
Combate à corrupção.
Knowing the present and designing an ecologically correct, economically viable, socially just and
culturally diverse!
Purpose, agility and action in respect for oneself, society and the environment towards sustainable development!