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All work is based on knowledge acquired over time.

Different Knowledge.

Gotas de orvalho dramáticas

BARON, Robert A .; SHANE, Scott Andrew.

Entrepreneurship - A Vision of the Process.

Publisher: Thomson.

Menina que caminha nas montanhas

What Every Salesperson Must Know. See: https://amzn.to/2JI3zeb

reunião de negócios

Member is Worth A Thousand Visitors.See: https://amzn.to/2WrVdZV

Laptop e Notebook

Successful Blogging That Makes Money.See: https://amzn.to/2WsOgHR


Tech Giants, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of Journalism.See: https://amzn.to/2WtDalT

Mulher profissional

BAUMOL, William J .; Mokyr, Joel; LANDES, DAVID S., The Origin of Corporations- A Historical View of Entrepreneurship from Mesopotamia to Today, Publisher: Campus

Trabalhando juntos

BESSANT, John. Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Publisher: Bookman

Escritório colorido

BROWN, Tim, Design Thinking: a powerful methodology to enact the end of old ideas, Publisher: Elsevier, 2010.

Trabalhando juntos

OLIVEIRA, Edson Marques, Social Entrepreneurship - From Theory to Practice, from Dream to Reality, Publisher: QUALITYMARK

Mão que prende uma planta

DRUCKER, Peter. Innovation and entrepreneurial spirit: practice and principles. São Paulo: Pioneer Thompson, 2003.

Colegas trabalhando juntos

HISRICH, Robert D .; Peters, Michael P., Entrepreneurship, Publisher: Bookman

Leitura com café

JULIEN, Pierre-andre, Regional Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Economy, Publisher: Saraiva

Analisando os dados

KOTLER, Philip. Marketing administration - analysis, planning, implementation and control. São Paulo: Atlas, 2001, 6. ed.

Administração de uma empresa de web desi

MAXIMINIANO, Antônio Cesar Amaru. Administration for entrepreneurs: fundamentals of creating and managing new businesses. São Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006

flores de laranjeira

OLIVEIRA, Edson Marques, Social Entrepreneurship - From Theory to Practice, from Dream to Reality, Publisher: QUALITYMARK

Jovens empresárias

OSTERWALDER, Alexander. Business Model Generation - Innovation in Business Models, a handbook for visionaries, innovators and revolutionaries, Editora Alta Books, 2011.

Mulher de negócios sênior

POPCORN, Faith Click; HAMEL, Gary and PRAHALAD, CK Competing for the future - Innovative strategies to gain control of your industry and create the markets of tomorrow. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 2002.


PORTER, Michael. Competitive advantage. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 2002.

Kindness begets kindness! 

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