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The executive director of Phins*, Rodrigo Sêga, was privileged to be the author of the chapter " Portfolio, Program and Sustainable Project Management" of the book "Sustainable Development and Environmental Technological (R)Evolution". Check out:

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Sustainable Development and Environmental (R)Evolution of Technology

Organized by professors Márcia Sartori and Tassiane Boreli Pinato, from the Editora da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo

BRL 55.00

We are at a crucial moment for humanity, in which natural resources need to be understood not only as resources for the economy, but also as resources for human survival.

Currently, there is a consensus that the traditional model of development is exhausted: global warming, the extinction of species, biomes, biodiversity, poverty and, more recently, the political and financial crisis confirm this finding. . This book  brings an overview of how it is possible to reverse this scenario and mitigate environmental impacts, through technology and a new vision, which involve environmental, social and economic factors._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

conscious consumption

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